Click here to register for the MENZA 2016 AGM

Sunday 18 September – Dilworth Junior Campus, Remuera, AUCKLAND

Click here to register.

Workshop details below

Celia Stewart – Playful Singing in Early Childhood

Music is an integral part of an early childhood curriculum. Singing experiences promote music learning, well being, social and physical development and lay strong foundations for language development and reading readiness. This workshop will explore ways EC teachers can weave singing throughout the day and support the development of tuneful singing.

Judith Bell – Activities combining computational thinking with music learning

Hot on the heels of the recent introduction of Computer Science to the NZ Primary Schools’ curriculum this workshop will show how computational thinking (CT) can be applied in music education. This workshop will present ideas for having students develop deeper understanding in music theory, aural skills as well as creating ideas while at the same time developing skills relating to CT. The focus will be on intermediate school level. Some activities use devices and some are completely unplugged.

Martin Emo – Looking at the big picture for ICT in the Music curriculum.

NZQA Exams will be digital by 2020. How will that change what you are currently doing? What are you going to do to be ready for Digital Exams? What is your reason for using a new ICT tool? Do you have a framework or is it ad-hoc? If you had 20mins to look for a new tool, what aspect of your course/curriculum would it be for? Using a SAMR ladder, combined with TPACK, and the Four Stages of Teacher Confidence in the use of Technology Martin will take you on a session focused on what you currently do as a secondary music teacher, and how you could change your program. You will start with one aspect of your current program. This session is suitable for Secondary Music teachers with any level of ICT literacy and experience. BYOD

Linda Webb – Advocating for Music in New Zealand teacher education and delivered curriculum in primary schools

The research paper, “A Mismatch between Policy, Philosophy and Practice” (Webb, 2014), highlighted that changes in teacher education delivery over the previous decade had negatively impacted primary generalist teacher’s competence and confidence to teach music, with the large majority not able to meet curriculum requirements and delivery expectations.

The profile given to this research led to an invitation in 2015 to represent the current position of primary music education to a government appointed steering committee. This group was put together to provide advice to the New Zealand Teachers Council on the type and amount of subject content that is necessary in degree level qualifications for academic entry into Graduate Diplomas of Teaching, Postgraduate Diplomas of Teaching, and Masters initial teacher education programmes which prepare students to teach in the primary school sector.

This paper highlighted the importance of establishing an advocacy profile at government level, and in arguing a strong case, access to comparative data. The presentation left the steering group in no doubt that the depth and breadth of both subject and pedagogical content knowledge that is necessary and sufficient to be able to effectively teach music in primary school classrooms, is not being delivered by initial teacher education providers, or as part of school professional development and learning programmes for practising teachers.