TER programme for Instrumental Music Teachers

Teacher Education Refresh (TER) programme

The Education Council has worked with IRMT and MENZA to develop a TER programme for Music teachers that they will be able to enrol in at the start of 2017. This is for teachers who need to renew their provisional practicing certificate. (The Education CounciI will provide extensions to teachers whose practicing certificate has expired or expires whilst completing the programme on proof of enrolment. If your practicing certificate has already expired and you have a teaching position that starts at the beginning of the 2017 school year the Council will consider an extension so long as there is a genuine intention to enrol once enrolments open).

The course has 4 modules, covering Curriculum Assessment, Planning and Teaching, Tomorrow’s Learning Communities (including health and safety), Professional Teacher Practices, and Cultural Competence. It is delivered largely online, in an independent learning style, and with flexible timeframes negotiable to suit the needs and interests of the candidates.

Every effort has been made to keep costs to a minimum and relevance to the individual candidate paramount.

Registration forms and course details are available from Wendy Hunt at irmtter@gmail.com

NOTE: If you are a Music teacher teaching on a Limited Authority to Teach (LAT) TER does not apply to you. You will need to send your application for a LAT into the Council in the usual way. This should be done as soon as possible if you are intending to teach at the start of 2017 and your current LAT has expired or is about to expire. Note that if you provided your Proof of Identity with your last LAT application then you will not be required to provide this again.