Rōpū Māori: Māori Networks

MENZA is keen to explore how we can better connect, support and provide pathways for Māori music educators at the grassroots level to connect with other Māori. Rōpū Māori are intended to provide educators with the opportunity to meet together, share knowledge, to create belonging and identity and to get involved in activities and projects that are of interest to Māori music educators. At this stage we are inviting expressions of interest from those who would like to be involved in this new initiative.

Rōpū Māori: Māori Networks

MENZA is keen to explore how we can better connect, support and provide pathways for Māori music educators at the grassroots level to connect with other Māori. Rōpū Māori are intended to provide educators with the opportunity to meet together, share knowledge, to create belonging and identity and to get involved in activities and projects that are of interest to Māori music educators. At this stage we are inviting expressions of interest from those who would like to be involved in this new initiative.

Kei te pīrangi a MENZA ki te tautoko i ngā kaiako Māori e whakaako puoro ana mā te poipoi i te aka kūmara hei whakahonohono i a tātou. Mā te noho rōpū e taea ai te hui tahi, te whakawhiti whakaaro me ngā akoranga, te mahi ngātahi hoki i runga i ngā take e ngākaunui nei koutou. Otirā e pōwhiri atu nei te ringa ki a koutou e hīkaka ana ki tēnei kaupapa, nau mai!

Expressions of interest

We welcome kaiako who identify as Maori (in either English or Maori medium contexts) and who are interested in networking support and professional development around music and arts education to submit their details below. We aim to establish a number of networking opportunities in 2021.

Hui whakawhanaunga

E horahia nei te takapou wharanui kia eke ai ngā iwi ki runga i tēnei kaupapa. Hei te tau nei, e takatū ana mātou ki te whakatū hui kia honohono ai ngā kaiako toi, kaiako puoro nei kia tautoko tātou i a tātou anō. Mēnā kei te whakaako puoro koe, he hiahia rānei ōu ki te whakaako, homai koa ō kōrero ki raro nei kia rangona ai te karanga.