Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to Puawaiata! This is a new MENZA space for ngā toi / Māori arts support for English and Māori medium schooling, with a particular focus on music in a holistic sense. Within this focus we include forms that may be oriented towards formal performance, such as kapa haka, alongside more process-oriented forms, such as open-ended creative learning within the classroom. The intent is to tautoko music as a living art within te ao Māori, exploring and weaving together ngā mahi a te rēhia, traditional and non-traditional instruments, and connection to atua, place, story and people. We want to support these taonga to grow strong and provide rich educational opportunities for our tamariki, throughout Aotearoa, and to nurture their hauora. Our current focus is on developing teaching and learning resources, building networks, and enabling more Māori leadership in music education.
The resources here are a result of advocating for the development of new bilingually available resources to support more ngā toi Māori in both English and Māori medium schooling contexts – side by side. Puawaiata was established to house these new resources and anchor this kaupapa as a step towards a broader vision for music education in Aotearoa. While we have started with the creation of bilingual resources for primary education (see Ngā Rauemi page), we hope this space can grow to accommodate other sector areas, which are represented by the terms below using the imagery of a tree growing from shoot to small plant, sapling and finally a fruit-bearing adult:
Te Pihi: Early Childhood.
Te Tipu: Primary
Te Māhuri: Secondary
Te Rākau Whai Hua: Tertiary
Further Information
See MENZA’s bicultural strategic direction below (He Ara Whakamua) and check out the Puawaiata pages for a range of opportunities including: workshops and education (Tahia Te Ara), magazine contributions (Ngā Pitopito Kōrero o Puawaiata), and networking (Rōpū Māori; Ngā Kaitautoko) as well as new bilingual music and movement resources for schools (Ngā Rauemi).
The creation of Puawaiata has been a Poutokomanawa led networks of expertise project for MENZA.
Te Kaupapa o Puawaiata
Nau mai e te tī e te tā ki tēnei pātaka iringa kōrero o Puawaiata. Ko ngā hua kei roto, he rauemi kaiako e pā ana ki te puoro i tōna whānuitanga. Otirā e awhi ana ngā maihi i ngā mahi a te rēhia, mai i ngā kaupapa ōkawa pēnei i te haka a Tānerore, tae noa ki ngā kaupapa ōpaki pēnei i te mahi auaha a te tamaiti i rō akomanga. Ahakoa mōteatea mai, taonga puoro mai, pūrākau mai, inā he puoro kei roto he wāhi kei kōnei mōna hei whakanikoniko i tō tātou nei pātaka.
E pīrangi nei a MENZA ki te poipoi i tēnei kaupapa o ngā puoro Māori kia horahia whānuitia ōna hua ki ngā kura huri noa i te motu. Nō reira i tua atu i te rato rauemi, he tautoko, he whakamana hoki i te hautūtanga Māori kei roto i te ao mātauranga toi tētehi ara kei mua i a mātou. He hua ēnei rauemi e iri nei nā te huringa o te aro ki tēnei ara, kia waihangatia ai he rauemi hōu hei tautoko i te whakaakoranga toi ki roto i ngā kura reo Māori, reo Pākehā hoki, arā kia kākanorua. Mā Puawaiata pae tukutuku nei tēnei kaupapa e manaaki, hei tapuwae ki te ara e puāwai ai te mātauranga puoro ki Aotearoa i roto i tōna tiketiketanga, tōna pito mata ki te ao.
Te Pihi (Kōhanga Reo) Te Tipu (Kura tuatahi) Te Māhuri (Wharekura) Te Rākau Whai Hua (Whare wānanga)
Further Information
I tēnei wā ko tā Te Tipu (kura tuatahi) kaupapa anahe kua whakatakotoria ki kōnei, engari mā te wā ka whanake ngā purapura o reanga kē.
Tirohia tō mātou mahere rautaki kākanorua kei raro nei, me ēnei whārangi o Puawaiata e hora ana i ngā hua pēnei i te papamahi (Tahia te Ara), te tuhinga mōheni (Ngā Pitopito Kōrero o Puawaiata), te aka kūmara (Rōpū Māori; Ngā Kaitautoko), me ngā rauemi mātauranga toi pūoro, kanikani hoki mā te kaiako (Ngā Rauemi).
Bicultural Strategic Direction – He Ara Whakamua: A Way Forward
Constitutional Goals
A commitment to a mutually beneficial Treaty of Waitangi partnership
Supporting the growth and development of Māori art forms within music education
To support broader definitions of music education from a te ao Māori framework.
A minimum of 3 tangata whenua seats on MENZA board
A mandate provided for tangata whenua board members to consult with and support rōpū Māori.
Tangata Whenua Board Leadership
Te Aka Kūmara
Supporting and Connecting Tangata Whenua
• Supporting and responding to Māori led initiatives in the community and connecting kaiako as rōpū.
• Creating pathways for leadership from these rōpū
• Enabling and supporting tangata whenua led workshops
• Providing regional and national hui opportunities e.g Puawaiata day for 2021 MENZA conference
• Development of bilingual music and movement resources for Māori medium contexts
Aruaru ki Tawhiti – completed
Approx 600 copies were distrubuted in 2021 to Māori Medium initial teacher education programmes.
Te Koha a Tāne – completed. Click here to access the resource.
Critically Responsive Tauiwi
Creating space for Māori voice and leadership
within MENZA
• Dedicated Puawaiata web space for MENZA to grow culturally sustaining kaupapa, support and enable Māori leadership in music education and support rōpū Māori growth
• Dedicated MENZA magazine space to share more Māori voice in music education: Ngā pitopito kōrero o Puawaiata
• Tahia te Ara: Decolonising Practice: Ann Milne study scholarships for course – ‘Identifying White Spaces’ (awarded to five members from the MENZA community) with mentoring networking support from MENZA, April-July 2021
• Regional cultural competency workshops provided with MENZA support
• Development of bilingual music and movement resources for English medium contexts
Chase Across the Waves –completed
400+ copies distributed to MENZA members
Approx 2000 copies distributed in 2021 to initial primary teacher education programmes.
Te Koha a Tāne – completed. Click here for the resources.