MENZA is thrilled to be partnering with
Horomona Horo and
Tāmihana Kātene to provide w
ānanga across Aotearoa, supporting kai
āko with their confidence and understanding of m
ātauranga M
āori as it pertains to music. This is made possible by funding from the Networks of Expertise to support preparation for the new NCEA, and the workshops are free for all teachers. You don’t need to be a MENZA member, but of course we appreciate all new members too.
Horo is an esteemed practitioner of Taonga Pūoro, core member of the haumanu collective and a gifted teacher. This hui aims to help build your knowledge in mātauranga Māori and mātauranga pūoro. Horomona Horo will be leading ngā hui and potentially inviting mana whenua and other Māori specialists.
Please register below for your chosen location, so that we can make the necessary arrangements for morning tea and venue, and so that we can keep you up-to-date with information about the workshop and the follow-up session and resources. For lunch, we would appreciate it if participants could bring or make something for shared kai.
- Monday 4 September, 10.30am-4.30pm – Christchurch, Shirley Boys’ High School. Register here
- Tuesday 5 September, 9am-3pm – Invercargill, James Hargest Senior Campus. Register here
- Wednesday 6 September, 8am-1pm – Dunedin. Register here
- Thursday 7 September, 8am-2pm – Napier. Register here
- Friday 15 September, 9am-3pm – Northland, Kenana Marae (Doubtless Bay – Mangonui). Register here
- Monday 18 September, 9.30am-3.30pm – Auckland, Western Springs College. Register here
- Wednesday 20 September, 11am-5pm – Gisborne, Lytton High School. Register here
- Thursday 21 September, 10am-4pm – New Plymouth, Waitara High School. Register here
- Friday 22 September, 9am-3pm – Nelson Centre of Musical Arts. Register here
- Friday 22 September (with Tāmihana), 9.30am-3.30pm – Wellington. Register here