Annual General Meeting and Workshops

Music Education New Zealand Aotearoa board will have their AGM and workshops on the 18th of June 2022.

Newlands College, Wellington
Saturday, June 18th

It will begin with primary/intermediate/secondary workshops, followed by refreshments and the AGM.

Workshops 1.30-2.30pm

AGM 3pm to 4pm


Te Koha a Tāne education resource launch

Te Koha a Tāne is a new music and movement resource for Y0-8 kaiako from the Poutokomanawa team who brought you Aruaru ki Tawhiti/Chase across the Waves. The beautifully illustrated resource retells the story of Rātā and the Waka from the tree’s perspective, exploring the conservation theme through 10 episodes of hands-on music, dance, drama and art activities that any kaiako can deliver. Featuring original waiata and karakia that encapsulate the learning, the resource will be free to download in both te reo Māori (coming soon) and English versions from the MENZA website, along with videos and other online support material to assist your teaching.

The one hour workshop will be an opportunity to meet the creators, celebrate the launch of the resource, and take part in a series of short music and movement activity examples including a new waiata featuring music by Kiwi Kidsong writer Radha Sahar (nee Wardrop).

Due to a recent resignation of a Board member, the MENZA Board at the time of the AGM will have five elected Board members and three co-opted Board members, however, the MENZA Constitution states that we should have nine elected members to be on the board, therefore we will need to have an election.

In regards to electing Board members, the MENZA constitution states the following:


  1. The period during which voting may take place in elections for the Board shall be determined by the Board and shall include the day of the Annual General Meeting. Where distance voting is to occur the period shall begin not more than fourteen and not less than seven days prior to an Annual General Meeting.

  2. Nominations for Board members as defined in 7(a)(i) shall be forwarded in writing to the Secretary no less than twenty-eight days prior to the date at which voting begins.

  3. (c) Each nomination shall incorporate the signatures of a proposer and a seconder who must both be then current financial members and shall be also signed by the nominee signifying acceptance of the nomination. In the event of there being fewer written nominations received by the due date than the number of Board members allowed for in 7 (a) (i) above, further nominations may be sought by a committee set up by the Board for this purpose and called the Nominating Committee.

I would like to put forward to the members that we vote to fill the four vacant positions on the board. Currently, the three co-opted members on the board are Charlotte Nicklin, Christian McDonald and Makaira Waugh. They have indicated that they would like to continue their time on the board and put themselves forward to be elected onto the MENZA Board.

As we have three MENZA members putting themselves forward to be on the Board we are seeking at least one other member to put themselves forward. If there are more than four members seeking a position on the board, an election will be held. As the Chair, I would like that position to be elected at the AGM. This means that for this election, the time frames to elect new board members will be different to the constitution.

I propose the following dates:

If any members object to this process can you please email before the 8th of June 2022. We will then follow the process that is outlined in the Constitution. If you would like to discuss the process further or are interested in joining the MENZA board please email me directly at:

Ben Lau


Membership and password are required. If you are having difficulty please email: