Kia ora koutou e ngā kaiako puoro o Te Ūpoko o te Ika
I was speaking at the Orff level 1 & 2 course about how lovely the training is for creating a sense of community and connection between teachers, and seeing the beautiful moments of musical exploration and collaborative creation. When we go out into our own contexts it falls on us alone to create the same sense of magic for our learners, and it can be a tricky thing to keep doing this, coming up with new ideas and trying to make the ones you’ve learned work among the challenges of the job.
In order to support each other and nurture this community, you are all very welcome to come along to our next networking hui. Last term we had a wonderful time sharing one or two short activities from our own mahi, and I think this is a good format to keep up. Thanks to those who participated and contributed their notes to our folder, it was a very special evening. This time Ann has generously offered to host us at her school:
Music Networking Hui
Wednesday 5th June
3:30 – 5pm
Cardinal McKeefry School
Wilton, Wellington