Venue: Spotswood College, 129 South Road, Spotswood, New Plymouth 4310
Note, this day will be tailored to the needs of the attendees, and you are encouraged to bring your questions along with your charged laptops.
Session 1 9am-12pm.
9am Introduction, questions, outline and connections
9:30-10:30am NCEA updates and workshop
This workshop will guide ITMs and teachers through the upcoming changes as part of the NCEA standards review and rewrite. Your feedback on changes will be sought, and there will be a discussion on the implication of future directions for ITMs and HODs of Music. Current NCEA standards will be discussed and any of your questions answered.
10:30-11:45am BYOD recording for any student – Part 1
This workshop will guide ITMs and teachers through a BYOD friendly recording setup suitable for teachers and their students. Worldwide, musicians are using the ability to record and hear their practice as a powerful tool in improving their playing. Using online and free resources in conjunction with quality audio hardware, this workshop will be hands-on and based in the context of your school. Links to NCEA and Production Technology Unit standards will be included. By the end of this workshop, participants will have recorded a song from scratch multiple times and in doing so increase their confidence, knowledge and ability. It is a goal of Martin’s, that teachers would be able to record their own students the following day.
11:45-12pm Answering Questions (and evaluation if only attending the morning session)
12-12:45 Lunch break
Session 2 12:45-3:45pm
12:45-1:15 BYOD recording for any student – Part 2
The morning workshop continued after a break, partially to see if you can remember what you learnt earlier.
1:15-3:30 pm What do you do with electronic students?
For any musician who has wondered what all the lights and buttons are about on a stage, this session is a great introduction. Starting with looking at the skills laptop music performers and composers need it moves into how to incorporate electronics with traditional instruments. It includes and an overview of different styles and a demonstration of the tools used to compose and perform, including for Smokefree Rocksquest/Tangata Beats. It covers what you could offer to your students and what decisions you might need to make. This workshop will include a thorough demonstration of software to help train modern electronic musicians in keyboard, pad-drumming and electronic drumming. An introduction to Ableton Live (most widely used software for music creation and performance in the world) will be included, with considerable time given to hands-on opportunity for attendees to use the different controllers and software demonstrated.,
3:30-3:45 NCEA, Workshop reflection, evaluation and next steps.
The final section will conclude the day and include a short evaluation and personal reflection.
Martin Emo has run workshops for Music Technology throughout Aotearoa / New Zealand/Australia and online for MENZA, the Ministry of Education, NZQA and through his educational consultancy. He holds a Masters in Education based on effective professional development for Music teachers in using Music Technology. Martin is currently the Musicnet Facilitator for NZ and a Full-time PhD candidate. He is a classically trained electronic musician who began his Music technology journey only after mastering piano scales in every key.
Contact martinthomasemo [at] if you have any queries.
Cost Full Day