4. Meet our new MENZA Board
5. Discovering Aurasma – Kathy Thompson
6. Regional Roundup
8. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy – Improvisation in Inclusive Classrooms – Alison Taumage
10. Maori Instruments strike personal note for students – Eline Avia and Peter de Blois
12. Reflections on the 2015 MENZA TRCC Conference ‘Making Music Matters
13. 2015 Kiwileles Songbook Launch – Mary Cornish
14. The Hamilton Marimba Festival – Celia Williamson
16. Chopsticks
20. Strum, Stike and Blow – Celia Stewart
22. Junior Jazz Education in Christchurch – Judith Bell
25. Highlights from Dunedin – Georgie Watts
26. Listen with your eyes: From Visual Stimulus to Whole-Class Composition – Jeremy Hantler and Robyn McQueen
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