Home Learning Choice Board

Teachers / Kaiako mā – we invite you to make a copy and create your own Google Doc versionGoogle Slide version of this to suit your context.

MENZA recommends spending 20 minutes on a different activity each day – each button links to online tools designed for kiwi kids.

Activities have been designed to support WELLBEING in our bubbles through Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Ako & Mahi Tahi.

Ko koe ki tēna, ko āhau, ki tēnei kiwai o te kete.

You take that handle of the kete and I’ll take this one.

Ākonga ma / Students

A reminder to keep yourself safe when using devices and online spaces for learning and be a good digital citizen.

Alway get permission before using any device and downloading software to any device.

Be security smart by using strong passwords and not sharing them.

Don’t forget to log out of a site, or device when you are finished.

Always talk to a trusted adult if you are not sure about anything you have seen while using a digital device.

 We recommend watching this being a Digital Citizen Video with your whānau.


Whānau / Parents / Caregivers

We encourage you to view Nathan Wallis’ video about why it is so important to embrace the arts during this time.

We also encourage you to review the ‘Best Online Safety Tips’ from Netsafe for home learning with your child.


Educators / Kaiako mā

Please feel free to use this resource to help you design your own music enrichment activities for learning at home.

The Music Progress Indicators have been included so you can see how each activity is linked to the music curriculum.

These resources have been tried and tested by music educators in Aotearoa / New Zealand.

A balanced primary school music programme will include singing, playing, reading, recording, analysing, appreciating and creating. These activities are a small sample and are in no way meant as a replacement for a quality, sequentially based music education programme but are provided to guide and inspire home learning activities that support wellbeing during this time.

We encourage you to join MENZA to keep up with the latest professional development opportunities in music education.