Musicnet Summary to 26 Oct 2020

Kia ora tātou

The dates and location for the bi-annual 2021 MENZA conference have been confirmed. 10-13 October 2021 in Tauranga. Start planning for attending the best professional development you can find in New Zealand. For those putting in budget requests, expect $3-400 for conference fees plus your travel and accommodation. The committee is unable to confirm if any travel grants will be available as in previous years, (but secondary teachers can apply for up to $700 to the PPTA for a grant.) The MENZA board is a charitable organization, reliant on volunteers and always aims to keep cost reasonable where possible. (Here are the Keynotes from 2019)

An ongoing discussion this last week was about funding for ITM hours and Arts Co-ordinators. If you have some thoughts and insights, do add to the thread. With over 1000 classroom teachers on the Musicnet list, it would be great to see what others are experiencing and think. If you wish to contribute less publicly, I can forward on emails anonymously to the list. 


Summary to 26 October 2020


Naxos have launched an online Music learning site supported by their impressive recording catalogue. 


General (for all Music Levels)

A reminder that Helen @Computer Music has ceased trading. Any Sibelius help including purchasing, head to EDnet, Rockshop/KBB, or Protel. 

Resources and information about Music Therapy week (last week) could also be helpful for those students looking at it for research topics. 

What do you do to engage students’ aural skills? 

Alternatives to Sibelius for notation were listed. 



Graeme started a thread on great ideas and resources for teaching AS91421 (3.6)

Ideas for teaching AS91880 Develop a Digital Media outcome were shared. 


Professional Development and Events

AKL University is offering their annual songwriting workshops online on Wed 28th Oct. 

Telling Tales Concert 14 Nov in AKL. 

Phil Broadhurst memorial concert 15 Nov in AKL. 



Permanent Primary Music specialist in Dunedin for 2021

ITM Guitar/Bass/Drums in Tauranga  for 2021

Bass/Drums in Christchurch  for 2021

Guitar in Lower Hutt for 2021


Ngā mihi


– To post a message, email from the email account you have signed up with.

– To access any of the threads on the Arts Online Archive, login with your email and password here.

– Instead of forwarding this email to a colleague, get them to subscribe to the list


Martin Emo


TKI Arts Online Community Facilitator |  Musicnet