Kia ora tātou
On Sunday, the Music Education New Zealand Aotearoa (MENZA) board met in Auckland for our annual face-to-face. Our usual monthly meetings are online, but as you know, being in the same room enabled a greater sense of community and sharing or ideas. There are some exciting developments in the pipeline with stronger connections between Music and the other Arts subjects in New Zealand. There will also be continued subject specific professional development being run around the country, with Auckland hosting a primary 2-day conference in July, and secondary 1-day conference in April. Keep an eye out on Musicnet, and also the MENZA events page for events in the regions.
When did you last spend a whole day upskilling and talking about what music education?
Looking ahead to all of the things that MENZA hope to achieve this year, we are always looking for more help in big and small ways for events, advocacy and sub-committees. Getting involved is also a great way to also find out more about MENZA and as a possible precursor joining the board in the future.
Summary to 3 Feb 2020
General (for all Music Levels)
NZ Music commission mentoring in schools applications close 9th Feb.
Belinda has shared a number of resources and links in an email about charging for ITM lessons, hireage, the NCEA Standards review, and a helpful doc for HODs employing ITM teachers.
Where do you get cheap drum sticks? Read this extensive thread!
Keith shared a Musical Aerobatics link from ASME, the Australian version of MENZA.
Yamaha Education have launched “Off to a Great Start Education Guide”. It’s a magazine from NZ, that is shared by Musicworks. There are free instrument fingering guides in it too.
Cheryl has some choral pieces with Robert Burns text available.
Catherine shared a music advocacy link.
Djembe drums for sale.
Music Ecademy have updated their courses to include Curriculum Level 1-5, NCEA Aural, and new progress and tracking.
What songs do you use with beginner groups?
Some good advice was shared for AS91424 Arrangement.
The NZSO has created two resources for music works that interlink with their regional and main centre performances this year.
Ideas (and spotify playlists) for Level 2 solo bass performance.
Different ways to teach 1.6 music works, and new piece ideas.
Professional Development, Events and Competitions
The Auckland Student composer Choral composition deadline is now 20th March.
Adam Summer School showcases 8-16Feb in Nelson.
Opera in Schools tour dates and details.
Kodaly Musicianship classes are offered in AKL for ages 3-10.
Full time secondary music teacher in AKL.
Vocal, Bass, guitar in AKL.
Drum teacher in AKL.
Sax/clarinet in AKL.
Vocal in AKL.
Ngā mihi
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Martin Emo
TKI Arts Online Community Facilitator