When I opened Facebook this morning, I was greeted with the following post:

Singing. The power of singing. From the youngest child to the wisest soul, singing is simply amazing. Whether alone, in a small group, or in a sea of people, singing is simply amazing. Whether in the shower, car, or a concert hall, singing is simply amazing. Singing is amazing. (Credit: Vaughn Fleischfresser)

My response? Yes, yes, it is.

In a recent interview on Nine to Noon, author Julia Hollander (her book is titled Why We Sing) (The power of song: why we need to sing. 10.05am, 8 March 2023, Radio New Zealand; The Power of Song: Why We Need to Sing talked about how human beings are hard-wired to sing. In her work as a singing therapist, Julia works alongside people with dementia. She notes the memories that older people have about singing with their families, gathered in the front room, and trips to the music hall, where they joined in with the collective singing. She also discusses how with the rise of technology, songs have become something we buy, not things we create ourselves.

This gave me cause to think about my passion for singing with children. I believe singing is a powerful force in a child’s life. Are we doing enough in our primary schools to offer our tamariki the benefits of it?

The well-being benefits of singing are well-documented. Research advises that group singing and access to music at a young age can improve educational outcomes….

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Megan Flint
Article by Megan Flint