This Conference is for all Music Educators (teachers and itinerant teachers of music) from early childhood, primary and secondary sectors to:
- focus on pedagogy in music education, latest ideas and best practice
- hear innovative ideas and solutions around developing musical literacy
- hear/share with other practitioners methods around leading ensembles
- focus on culturally responsive practice and inclusive practice in music
- explore how to integrate digital technology into classroom practice
- learn how to ‘fight the good fight’: how to be an advocate for music in your context
The conference programme will also include the following and more…
For Primary educators:
- building classroom practice
- developing musical literacy e.g. Orff, Kodaly
- taonga pūoro
- waiata
- pasifika
- songs for the Primary classroom
- integrating digital technology in your music programme
- music and the environment
- improvisation musical games
For Early Childhood educators:
- musical play singing
- waiata for ECE
- making and playing instruments
- music and stories
- Orff in ECE
- music and movement
- digital tools for music in ECE
For Secondary educators:
- song writing
- directing ensembles
- music technology
- taonga pūoro
- moderation and NCEA
- managing a music department
- junior programmes
- HOD as mentor
- how to make your music programme inclusive of students with disabilities
For Itinerant Teachers of Music:
- inquiry based learning
- professional learning groups
- digital portfolio exemplars
- cultural competencies for ITMs
- instrumental music pedagogies
- teaching groups motivating students
Dates: 9 – 11th October, 2017 Cost: (if paid by early bird date 25/08/2017, if paid after an additional $100 applies)
Venue: Holy Cross School, Miramar, Wellington
MENZA member: $300 Non-MENZA member: $330 (incl membership)
Accommodation: Available at Brentwood Hotel, TRCC will provide shuttles to and from venue – see TRCC website for live in registration options and costs
Organisers: Celia Stewart, Tim Carson, Selena Bercic and Andrew Stopps (MENZA)
Registrations close: 1 September, 2017
Register here
Conference fee includes: Conference and catering. Live in fees available on TRCC website. Travel subsidy available as per the TRCC travel policy (see website for details) for the first 80 paid registrations
171001-Make-some-noise (pdf)