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TUNE ME IN Volume 9 Number 2, July 2014

4. Hawkes Bay Secondary Schools Orchestra Day – Joe Christensen
5. Sharing Music Together With Your Cluster School – Helen Mackenzie
6. Many Voices, One Heart: Southland Festival of the Arts – Angela Newell
8. Review: Lively Children’s Choir by Christiane Wieblitz – Sally Bodkin-Allen
9. Reflections on Kodàly – Nikki Berry
10. Collaborative Feedback – Phil Pegler
13. Over the Rainbow: Live Music for Tots – Sally Bodkin-Allen
14. You Can Do It Baby – Hollie Longman Fleck
16. Learning Taonga Püoro – Jennifer Cattermole
18. Reflections on Orff – Celia Williamson
20. To Be Or Not To Be: Balancing Process and Product in the Classical Piano Lesson Through Improvisations – Teresa de Vries
24. Celebrating New Zealand Music Month