NZ Song – Perform, Analyse and Compose

Here is a link to a Google Doc of this resource by Belinda Carey


New Zealand Song

Perform, Analyse and Compose                             


Aim:   Through this study and presentation you should;

  •             develop an understanding of the features and elements of a song.
  •             identify key elements, motifs and compositional devices of songs.
  •             gain an insight into NZ songwriting and what might make it unique.
  •             work with a group to perform a cover version of a song.
  •             compose your own song.


For these  tasks you need to choose a Group to work with and a NZ song to analyse and perform. You must be able to get a copy of the sheet music.

You can even collaborate with the same group on your composition or choose to do it on   your own.


There are heaps of resources and help here. Have a look before you start. It will give you a better insight into what you are trying to achieve.


Task One           Group Performance – Perform a Song 

   Choose, practise and perform an authentic cover version of a New  Zealand song for NZ music month. You can do this as solo or in a group but you will be expected to have made a significant contribution. You will need a recording and a score. I suggest you use the Nature books. We will perform these at the end of term.

Assessment: AS 91091


Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence
Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music as a member of a group. Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music effectively as a member of a group. Demonstrate ensemble skills through performing a piece of music convincingly as a member of a group.


Task Two         Demonstrate knowledge of elements and features of music works

You will need the score or lead sheet of your group performance task to complete this assessment. Maker sure you keep a copy to hand in with the annotations and a copy of the completed tasks below.

Assessment: AS91095

Complete the following  questions about the score or lead sheet of your Group performance piece.  


NZ on Air 


Imagine you are going to be interviewed about your song on the radio.


Prepare your answers to the following questions.


  1. What do you like best about performing this song?



  1. What instruments are used?


  1. What are the lyrics of this song about?


  1. What compositional devices are used to portray the emotions in the song?  Tonality, tempo, dynamics, texture, timbre,


  1. How does the song appeal to this audience?


  1. Is there anything that makes this a good or memorable song? Discuss melody, lyrics, rhythm, and harmony.


  1. Who are in the original band?


  1. What are two important facts about the professional background of this band?


  1. What essential elements identify the sound that this band makes?


  1. Is there anything about this song that identifies it as from New Zealand.?


What’s the score  NZ on Air
Achieved Shows some understanding of the features and elements of the song Provides a tape or live interview or written text which identifies elements and features in the work by answering at least six questions correctly
Merit Shows understanding  of the features and elements of the song Provides a tape written or live interview which demonstrates a range of elements and features in the work by answering at least eight questions in some depth.
Excellent Shows a clear understanding of the features and elements of the song Provides a tape written or live interview which identifies a wide range of elements and features in the work by answering questions correctly.


There are heaps of resources here you can use

 Senior Song Writing – MENZA  


Task Three  Compose two original pieces of music.  6 Credits Internal

For this task you are going to COMPOSE your own song.  You can do this with a group (collaboratively) or on your own. You will need to provide a recording of your song, lyrics and chords.

Assessment        AS91092 v3 1.3  

Achievement Achievement with Merit Achievement with Excellence
Compose music that shows development or structuring of ideas, and is represented through generally clear notation. Compose music that shows some character, development and structuring of ideas, and is represented through clear notation. Compose music that shows character, skilful development and structuring of ideas, and is represented through clear and detailed notation.


Songs are much the same whoever they are for. They contain the same things. 

These are called elements.

lyrics melody






instruments tempo






Think about some songs or waiata you know. Write some of the titles of songs.  It is said that 90% of songs are about love. Think about topics you could write a song about.

Ideas: You can brainstorm on a page or on the desk, text each other, think of the first thing that comes to mind, Look around what do you see, hear, feel, smell – take random topics for  a newspaper, talk about your worst or best moment, use images from a book. Take a random line from a book, use a whakatauki,  etc etc. Don’t forget you can write in any language. There are a lot more ideas for you in the link.  Senior Song Writing – MENZA 


Our topic   _____________________________________________________________


Songs will have a point of view. That is who is talking/singing,  it can change in the song but do think about it. 


Pop songs usually have a very simple form, / ahūa. Intro Verse Chorus. Variations might be an instrumental in the middle and a coda at the end.  Generally the verse tells the story and the chorus repeats the main message of the song.   Verses are usually 4,  8, or 12 lines long. Choruses are shorter,  usually 4, or 8, bars long.

Use one topic. 

Write a verse.  About 8 lines. Leave a line above your words. You will use this for chords. You will need to create a lyric sheet to hand in.

Write a chorusChoose your most powerful line for your title. 


Also look at these standards: You can integrate these into your work if you like.

You could use the Song Writing Task as the material for Outcome 2 of this Unit Standard.

US 27656           Level 1                             Credits

Demonstrate and apply introductory knowledge of music technology equipment and techniques

Search results

Use the features and functions of music technology equipment and techniques to create a simple sequence and short score.

Range a simple sequence and short score between sixteen and twenty four bars in length.

Evidence requirements

2.1 A simple sequence is created, edited, and mixed using the features and functions of the music technology equipment and techniques according to documented equipment specifications.

Range a minimum of two of – metronome, events, data parameters, event list.

2.2 A short score is created using the features and functions of music technology equipment and techniques according to documented equipment specifications.

Range includes but is not limited to – title, composer, tempo, staves, time signature, key signatures


You could use uncrafted taonga puoro as part of your song.

US 30239                   Level   1                                       Credits    3

Identify, express and play sounds inspired by te taiao using uncrafted taonga pūoro sourced from the natural environment


Teacher Marking – check box for Music Works Task.


Name   Form Navig Range Voice Key  Frequen. Motif Instrum. Conclus. Q3 Final