Musicnet Summary to 24 July 2020

Kia ora tātou


The MENZA AGM is now only two weeks away. If you’re near Auckland, come along for the workshops and AGM being held on Saturday 8th August. You can also attend remotely via a Zoom link that will sent out to MENZA members via email. It’s a good time to check that your email is current and you’ve been getting the regular E-Notes over the last few months. Email if you need to update your email address. 


Last week the National Arts Education Alliance Association (NAEAA) was established with with the signing of an memorandum of understanding between the four existing English-medium subject associations for Dance, Drama, Visual Arts and Music with a determined commitment to dual governance and partnership with Ngā Toi and Tangata Whenua Co-leadership. A great step in arts education in New Zealand. MENZA members, watch out for more information coming into your inbox. 


Summary to 24th July 2020



Ukuleles! Kiwilele videos are being uploaded each week to their youtube channel. They are designed for teachers who are starting, or want to strengthen their ukulele teaching in their classroom. 


General (for all Music Levels)

Do you teach any students with Cochlear implants? 

A project is turning the sounds of endangered birds in central america into songs. 

Do you need to store cables, guitars and other instruments? There are some great ideas and photos on this thread. 



My short survey is still open for any currently employed secondary classroom music teachers. 

Learning Ideas currently have a 30% special on their prelim or ‘mock’ exams. 

Level 2 Guitar solo pieces are sought by Wendy. 

Level 2 solo Cello pieces are sought by Georgia. 

Luke asked a great question about the difference between the two compositional standards at Level 3. Have a read here. 


Professional Development and Events

Weaving the cultural perspectives into Pūoro on 9th Oct in AKL. 

The AMPED music program is on in Dunedin. Applications for this great opportunity close 31st July. 

The NZ branch of ANZARME (Australian New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education) is holding a special symposium in Tauranga 1-2nd October. (This precedes the international ANZARME conference that will be held online 3-4th October)

NZ Opera is offering cheap tickets to their production of Handel’s Semele in AKL 8 Sept. 

The Aotea centre in AKL hosts wed lunchtime concerts and friday DJs. 

The NZ School of Music is offering a new Making Digital Music course online (4Aug-22 Sept) for Years 9-13 students. 


Ngā mihi


Martin Emo

TKI Arts Online Community Facilitator

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