Info session on non-contact hours for teachers in 2025

MENZA board member Brenda Oakley facilitates the discussion alongside PPTA team members Lauren Hourigan and Jo Brunskill, with questions around the impact of the introduction of non-contacts for ITM teachers in 2025. If you need help negotiating with your management team, PPTA Field Officers are happy to help – find them on the PPTA website under contact us.

Kia ora everyone,

Thanks to those who joined us this afternoon for our online hui.
The recording is below for those who were unable to attend but want to hear what was discussed.

A couple of links for people from our korero:

Calculator for teachers 2025 (best to download and then use)

The current PPTA ITM guidelines document

This Online Guest-Speaker Session was brought to you by the Network of Expertise and MENZA